The funny thing is that I also had a secret gift that I was keeping from them. Even though Mother's Day is designed to celebrate moms, I have always wanted to give something to my kids on this a thank you to them for making me a mom. My kids love books, so I decided to give them a Cliff's Notes version about me - do they still make these, or should I refer to it as the Wikipedia version of me?

I included a bunch of different pages in the book like: mom's favorite things, mom's family, mom's other jobs, oh the places mom's gone, etc...

In addition to the book, I also surprised the kids with a planting project that we all did together (thank you weather for your cooperation). While planting my favorite flowers, I was bombarded with a ton of follow-up questions about stuff that was included in the book. Be careful what you wish for!

All in all it was a really great day...I hope yours was as well!
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