Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Over the weekend I had the chance to moonlight as a designer...specifically a bib-wear designer. One of my friends has a set of twin boys who turn one next month. After an exhaustive search for "just the right" birthday bibs, she called me for help. I was so honored and completely up for the challenge!

The theme of the party is Tigger and Pooh - how appropriate for adorable twin boys. There are a ton of coloring page images of these characters on the Internet that can be downloaded for free. Here is the one that I chose to use...

I hate to admit this, but I am no artist - here was my last attempt at art. So I look for any and all shortcuts when it comes to creating artwork. In this case I modified the image in Paint, printed it on iron-on paper and then ironed the image onto a blank bib. My goal was to create an outline that could easily be filled in with paint.

And here is the result...I hope she likes it!


Melissa Marini said...

I love it. It is so them. You do not know how many times I have seen Ethan pawing on Jordan that way. Ethan is my Tigger and Jordan is my Pooh. :)

파워볼사이트 said...

Nisem toliko spletnega bralca, da bi bil pošten, vendar so vaši blogi res lepi, vztrajajte! Bom šel naprej in zaznamek vaše spletne strani, da pridejo nazaj kasneje. Najlepša hvala|


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