Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Pile of Pumpkins

I live in Georgia and it's still 90 degrees outside, so I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that Fall is just around the corner. My son tried to sneak a pumpkin into our cart at the grocery store yesterday, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy one this soon. I felt so bad about not letting him have it that I came up with another way to give him a "pumpkin".

I first dug up this pumpkin-shaped cookie cutter...

Then I cut pumpkin shapes out of different types of fruit...wait, this picture makes it look like I only used cantaloupe right?

However this angle reveals that I actually used cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon. I thinly cut the fruit and stacked them into a pile...

A pile of pumpkins - my son loved them!


  1. What a cute idea! I need to try that! That would also make a great little apple & peanut butter sandwich idea!

  2. Special thanks to ( for exposing my cheating husband. Right with me i got a lot of evidences and proofs that shows that my husband is a fuck boy and as well a cheater ranging from his text messages, call logs, whats-app messages, deleted messages and many more, All thanks to

    (, if not for him i will never know what has been going on for a long time.

    Contact him now and thank me later.

  3. Special thanks to ( for exposing my cheating husband. Right with me i got a lot of evidences and proofs that shows that my husband is a fuck boy and as well a cheater ranging from his text messages, call logs, whats-app messages, deleted messages and many more, All thanks to

    (, if not for him i will never know what has been going on for a long time.

    Contact him now and thank me later.
