I started off with paper mache eggs that I got from the craft store...

First I painted the eggs with a base coat and then used coordinating colored tissue paper to decoupage the eggs.

Egg Inspiration #1 - Tiffany and Co.
Egg Inspiration #2 - Western Chic

Egg Inspiration #3 - Lilly Pulitzer

I hope the girls like the eggs as much as I do!
Linking up to:
Special thanks to (hackingsetting50@gmail.com) for exposing my cheating husband. Right with me i got a lot of evidences and proofs that shows that my husband is a fuck boy and as well a cheater ranging from his text messages, call logs, whats-app messages, deleted messages and many more, All thanks to
(hackingsetting50@gmail.com), if not for him i will never know what has been going on for a long time.
Contact him now and thank me later.
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