I actually started assembling the invitations a few weeks ago, but abandoned them when more pressing things came up. So I was less than pleased with myself when I pulled out the partially-completed mess that I had made. See for yourself...

The basic design of the invitation is a "Tiffany" blue pocketfold card with a flat card attached inside. I searched and searched for reasonably priced paper since a ton of people are being invited - I found the best deal here.
The birthday girl is all about the bling, so I really wanted to incorporate jewels on the invitation. Rhinestone buckles are so popular right now, but those little things can cost a fortune. Out of desperation I searched on eBay and found the greatest deal on them - only $1 each and no shipping costs!

In addition to the flat card, an rsvp card was also included in the invitation. My friend opted to use a postcard to save on postage. I had never created a postcard before, so here are a couple of things that I learned during the process:
1) according to the post office, a postcard is defined as being a minimum of 3-1/2 inches high by 5 inches long and does not exceed 6 inches in length by 4-1/4 inches high
2) a postcard that does not meet those dimensions can still be mailed if you put a first class letter stamp on it.

Here is the outside of the invitation - I was trying to capture the classic look of the Tiffany blue box...

...and here is the inside of the invitation. I hope the birthday girl likes it as much as I do.

I have a few more projects to complete for this shindig - next up, a cupcake tower. So watch for future posts on this topic coming soon!
GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see the rest of your creations for the party...I cannot seem to find how to follow your blog? Feed? Friend connect?
Purple Pug - Sorry about that...I am new to Blogland and technically-challenged! However, after a bit of research I found the cool 'Followers" gadget and it has now been added to the blog. Thanks for reading...I actually have a post coming up that was inspired by one of your fabulous creations!
These are just LOVELY!!!
I am actually having a Tiffany themed wedding in June and wanted to make my own invitations.
Did you happen to print out the invitations and rsvp cards yourself?
Also, how many stamps were required to mail out one invitation?
Thank you!!
Hi Jesefa - Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
Thanks so much for the compliment on the invitations - they were so easy to make and made a huge impression on the guests. I designed the invitation and rsvp card, but sent them out to be printed because I wanted the good quality you get from a color laser printer. I was able to cut down on the cost of printing by formatting the document so that two invitations were printed on one 8 1/2x11in piece of paper and then cut down to 5x7in.
I can't remember exactly how much was spent on postage, but I think the stamp for the outer envelope was about .60 cents due to the weight of the invitation. Since the rsvp card was a postcard, the postage only cost .28 cents.
I hope this helps - please let me know if you need any more information!
Wow! Thanks for all the information! I think I might just go ahead and design the invitation, map and rsvp card on photoshop and print them out on cardstock. Did you happen to paste the invitation on the inside of the envelope with rubber cement? The rhinestone buckle and white ribbon were such an elegant touch! How did you go about attaching the ribbon to the envelope? Also, what size envelope did you use to ship out the invitations?
Sorry for all the questions! I am just seeing if it is worth it to go through all the trouble to make 100 invitations. I found a lady that would make these wonderful Tiffany's invitations on Etsy (http://www.etsy.com/listing/52774459/sale-tiffany-box-wedding-invitation?ref=sr_gallery_23&ga_search_query=tiffany+blue&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=9&order=&includes[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=handmade) but it would end up costing me over $500 plus each invitation needs 4 stamps (including the rsvp card). I'm just weighing my options here so I can see if I can save some money.
Thank you for all your input!!!
Hi Jesefa - No worries about all the questions...I'm happy to help! Could you please send me your email address so we can talk in more detail?
It is JesefaTemplo@gmail.com.
Thanks Kristin!
These are very beautiful invitations! Do you know the names of the two fonts that you used? Thank you so much!
Hey CrazyBeautifulLife (I love that name!) - The two fonts used on the invitation are:
Renaiss Italic and Scriptina. Hope that helps!
I need some ideas, im in a thight budget and want to DIY my invites, want to know how to request a dress code (wedding)
Hey! I absolutely love these invitations. I know I am commenting a little "late" but would you happen to remember what you used for the "blue envelope"? I am planning my Sweet Sixteen and just thought that this was an amazing inspiration for what I would like to do!
she tells you where she purchased the envelope under the picture above
These are amazing! Please tell me how you attched the ribbon with buckle to the invitation. Thank you!
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