I just finished the invitations for the Sweet 16 party that I am planning for one of my best friends -
here is where it all began.
I actually started assembling the invitations a few weeks ago, but abandoned them when more pressing things came up. So I was less than pleased with myself when I pulled out the partially-completed mess that I had made. See for yourself...

The basic design of the invitation is a "Tiffany" blue pocketfold card with a flat card attached inside. I searched and searched for reasonably priced paper since a ton of people are being invited - I found the best deal
The birthday girl is all about the bling, so I really wanted to incorporate jewels on the invitation. Rhinestone buckles are so popular right now, but those little things can cost a fortune. Out of desperation I searched on eBay and found the greatest deal on them - only $1 each and no shipping costs!

In addition to the flat card, an rsvp card was also included in the invitation. My friend opted to use a postcard to save on postage. I had never created a postcard before, so here are a couple of things that I learned during the process:
1) according to the post office, a postcard is defined as being a minimum of 3-1/2 inches high by 5 inches long and does not exceed 6 inches in length by 4-1/4 inches high
2) a postcard that does not meet those dimensions can still be mailed if you put a first class letter stamp on it.

Here is the outside of the invitation - I was trying to capture the classic look of the Tiffany blue box...

...and here is the inside of the invitation. I hope the birthday girl likes it as much as I do.

I have a few more projects to complete for this shindig - next up, a cupcake tower. So watch for future posts on this topic coming soon!