But, with that being said, I did come up with a last minute do-it-yourself place card for the 4th of July holiday that's kind of cute and super easy to make. Patriotic rockets...

Here's what you'll need:
Patriotic-themed scrapbook paper
Adhesive (I used hot glue, but tape will do)
Step 1: Cut out a circle in the scrapbook paper (I used a roll of duct tape as a template).

Step 2: Cut a slit halfway up the circle.

Step 3: Twist the paper into a cone shape and glue the ends together.

Step 4: Cut out a rectangle in the scrapbook paper (I used a different pattern for contrast).

Step 5: Roll the paper into a cylinder shape and glue the edge.

Steps 6,7,8: Glue the cone on top of the cylinder, then cut and glue a small piece of the shoelace inside the bottom of the cylinder. Finally, add the name on front. Sorry no pics for the multiple steps, I got lazy.

Hope all you US readers have a great 4th of July holiday!