I have two wonderful little boys who were both born on St. Patrick's Day - two years apart. For the past few years they have been thrilled with having a joint birthday party, but that all changed about a month ago (*sigh*). I knew this was coming, I just didn't think it would happen so soon! So I've spent the last three weeks planning two separate parties for my newly emancipated birthday boys.
My oldest son is turning 7 and decided on a baseball-themed party since he is obsessed with the sport. I immediately knew that I wanted the invitations to have the same look as this
invitation I made for a baby shower earlier this year. Here is the baseball jersey version...

Ironically I put myself in the exact same situation as I did with the baby shower invite by underestimating the amount of time needed to complete them - I guess I'll learn on the next go around. So, I again modified the original design for the sake of time. Here's the result...

My youngest son is turning 5 and chose a dinosaur theme for his party. He has never had the chance to experience his very own birthday party, so I'm going all out for this one. I came across a fantastic dinosaur party that was thrown by invitation designer Jill Smith. She created an amazing invitation that I attempted to recreate for my son's bash. Here's my version...

Both parties are happening next weekend, so look for more pics coming soon!