Sorry for the repost - even after doing this for a year I still have technical blogging issues!
I recently had the opportunity to help throw a shower for a friend who is expecting a baby girl. I have two little boys who I love and adore, but it was an absolute blast being surrounded by nothing but pink while planning this event! Here are some of the items I made for the shower.
The InvitationI stumbled across an adorable design for an invitation while surfing the web. This is the version that I made...
You can find the directions to make the invitation pictured above
here. Unfortunately, shortly after I made the invitation I realized that they're pretty labor-intensive and that I would never finish all of them on time. So, I decided to tweak the design a little without sacrificing the cuteness. Instead of making the onesie out of cardstock, I cut the shape out using scrapbook paper and attached it to a folded card. Much easier!
The FavorI once again turned to the web for inspiration for the shower favors and one of my favorite bloggers did not disappoint. Bakerella, who comes up with some of the most amazing baked goods I've ever seen, created a gift of dry cookie mix for a friend - here is her
post. I thought this would make a great shower favor, so I simply added a nipple and a ribbon on top of the jar to make it look like a baby bottle...
Bakerella graciously included printable baking instructions in her post - I printed them on clear label paper and attached it on the back of the bottle. Also, per her post, I used smooth Ball canning jars that have a two-piece cover: a flat metal lid, covered by a screw-on ring. To secure the nipple, place it on top of the metal lid and then put the screw-on ring over it - no adhesive required!
The DecorDue to a limited budget, I decided to make the decorations for the shower. I hung banners made out of various colors of pink scrapbook paper around the room. To make the banner, first cut out a triangle in the scrapbook paper. Then you can either adhere a string to the back of the triangles, or punch 2 holes at the top of each triangle and thread a string through the holes.
I also made tissue paper pom poms that were hung down the center of the room over the dining table. These are super easy to make and inexpensive - here are the
To decorate the walls, I made a baby carriage holding the new arrival (again inspired by the web) out of foam paper. Stay tuned for more information related to this design coming soon!
I also made an enlarged version of the invitation onesie to hang on the wall. Who knew you could buy mega-sized snaps!
I could see each of these designs easily being adapted for a boy shower or a unisex shower, so I hope they help if you're looking for ideas!

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